06 December 2007


Conservation work starts on the Thistlegorm

Thistlegorm photoConservation work has now started on the SS Thistlegorm off the Red Sea coast of Egypt. The intense operation to install moorings and air-escape outlets on this legendary wreck is being undertaken by Red Sea NGO Hurghada Environmental Protection and Conservation Association (HEPCA). Members of the HEPCA diving and mooring team are currently working alongside volunteer divers from the Red Sea community to preserve the SS Thistlegorm for the future.

The conservation operation on the SS Thistlegorm is expected to last 10-15 days. HEPCA is ensuring that the work causes minimal inconvenience and will be completed as timely as possible subject to the prevailing weather conditions. During this time no diving activity is permissible on the wreck for safety reasons.

The temporary closure of the SS Thistlegorm is part of the ‘Saving the Red Sea Wrecks’ Campaign, which was launched by HEPCA at the UK Dive Show in October. The Campaign will later target the Rosalie Moller and other Red Sea wrecks under threat. The aim is to stop further damage to our wrecks and also encourage all Red Sea diving operators and divers to adopt a more environmentally aware operational and diving code.

The SS Thistlegorm has been voted one of the Top Ten Dives in the World.

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